This book investigates the effects of corpus work on the process of foreign language learning in ESP settings. It suggests that observing learners at work with corpus data can stimulate discussion and re-thinking of the pedagogical implications of both the theoretical and empirical aspects of corpus linguistics. The ideas presented here are developed from the Data-Driven Learning approach introduced by Tim Johns in the early nineties. The experience of watching students perform corpus analysis provides the basis for the two main observations in the book: a) corpus work provides students with a useful source of information about ESP language features, b) the process of "search-and-discovery" implied in the method of corpus analysis may facilitate language learning and promote autonomy in learning language use. The discussion is carried out on the basis of a series of corpus-based "explorations" by students and provides suggestions for developing new tasks and tools for language learners.
Expected May 2010 39 Gilquin, Gaëtanelle: Corpus, Cognition and Causative Constructions. xvii, 316 pp. + index. ... A corpus-based study of cross-cultural interaction. ... 21 Gavioli, laura: Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning.
Some thoughts on the problem of representing ESP through small corpora. In Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis, B. Kettemann 8: G. Marko (eds), 293-303. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Gavioli, L. 2005. Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning ...
A corpus-based study of cross-cultural interaction. 2009.xxii, 319 pp. ... 2009. viii, 232 pp. cheng, Winnie, chris gReaveS and martin WaRRen: A Corpus-driven Study of Discourse Intonation. ... laura: Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning.
Voller , Peter ( eds ) Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning . London : Longman , 204-214 . Aston , Guy ( ed . ) ... The BNC Handbook : Exploring the British National Corpus with SARA . ... Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning .
This collection showcases the latest innovations in research on the application of corpora and corpus-based methods in ESP/EAP writing instruction and the many ways in which corpora can be successfully and practically integrated in ESP/EAP ...
Internationaljournal ofLexicography, 18, (3), 335–355. Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2005b), 'Pedagogical uses of monolingual and parallel concordances'. ELT]ournal, 59, (3), 189–198. Gavioli, L. (2005), Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning.
100,000 podcasts: A spoken English document corpus. ... In A. Frankenberg-Garcia, L. Flowerdew, & G. Aston (Eds.), New trends in corpora and language learning (pp. 121–138). Continuum. ... Exploring corpora for ESP learning. Benjamins.
The literal translation hypothesis in ESP teaching/learning environments. ScriptaManent 8(1): 15–30. Gavioli, L. 2006. Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning [Studies in Corpus Linguistics 21]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (Prosodic) Winnie Cheng, Chris Greaves, Martin Warren ... A corpus-based study of cross—cultural interaction. Expected February 2009 AIIMER, ... GAVIOLI, Laura: Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning.
Foucou, P.-Y. and Kübler, N. (2003) Teaching English verbs with bilingual corpora: examples in the field of computer science. ... (eds), Corpora and Language Learners, pp. ... Gavioli, L. (2005) Exploring Corpora for ESP Learning.