... vooruitgang . Volgens de auteur Paul Kalma , directeur van de denktank van de Nederlandse PVDA , behelst de kern van de in de politiek centrale links - rechtstegenstelling " meer dan die tussen ... de politiek . Links en rechts in Vlaanderen.
Jerusalem in Needlepoint and Embroidery
een psychopolitieke cartografie van de Belgische politiek Christ'l de Landtsheer, Pascal de Sutter. De onderhandelingen gaan voort en op 14 augustus 2007 overhandigt Leterme de communautaire eisenbundel van de Vlaamse partijen aan MR en ...
Leopold 2d and his use of economic power to extend his royal authority.
Imperial city : The Gothic Weavers ' Hall once housed the inspection commission for the cloth weavers who were responsible for Ghent's economic wellbeing . Today , a visitor to the hall can watch the audiovisual documentary Ghent and ...
Uitbetaling van het loon (16 augustus 1887). - Arbeidsinspectie (5 mei 1888). - Arbeiderswoningen (9 april 1889). - Vrouwen- en kinderarbeid (13 december 1889). - Vrijheid van arbeid (30 mei 1892). - Mutualiteiten (23 juni 1894).
This work analyzes the contrasting diplomatic styles of Belgian foreign ministers Paul-Henri Spaak and Paul van Zeeland and the atmosphere of disappointment that often hovered over a relationship officially characterized as warm and strong.
Frommer's Comprehensive Travel Guide, Belgium, Holland & Luxembourg '93-'94
Low Countries Yearbook 1994/95
Septentrion: revue de culture néerlandaise : bibliographie 1982-1991
This series gives invaluable advice on adapting seamlessly into the local environment, insights into culture, etiquette and traditions, and essential survival tips and tricks.