A list of case summaries and the text of selected major international conventions in this field are included as annexes.
The title of this volume is the critical and provocative question - do we need minority rights? - in order to announce that it does make sense to ask whether there are special obligations to minority protection.
Compiled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the European Yearbook of Minority Issues, and offering a selection of the most important articles published in the Yearbook, this collection will be of great interest to scholars, students and ...
Examining the on-going dilemma of the management of diversity in Turkey from a historical and legal perspective, this book argues that the state’s failure to accommodate ethno-religious diversity is attributable to the founding philosophy ...
Accordingly, the book re-evaluates the concept based on the experience with existing group rights in international law and pleads for a more pragmatic approach.
Minorities make significant contributions to the richness and diversity of society, and States that recognise and promote minority rights are more likely to remain tolerant and stable. The United Nations...
This report argues that an understanding of minority rights is essential for anyone dealing with conflict prevention and resolution. MRG's report shows how minority rights violations are often warning signs...
John Rawls , A Theory of Justice ( Cambridge , Mass .: Harvard University Press , 1971 ) , 195–201 . See also Ronald Moore , “ Rawls on Constitution - Making , ” in J. Roland Pennock and John W.
Convention-cadre Pour la Protection Des Minorités Nationales Et Rapport Explicatif
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Malden, MA, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 49–68. Wimmer, Andreas (2011) 'A Swiss Anomaly? A Relational Account of National Boundary-Making', ...