Contains answers by experts to a series of questions based on a fictional case study of an international business which wants to buy or sell a company, or change its operations, in a given country. The questions are chiefly about the business's relations with its employees.
本书源自两位作者各自经历大量交易项目后的经验汇总, 以及众多投行分析师, 私募股权公司和对冲基金的投资专业人士, 律师, 公司高管和大学教授们提供的意见.
This book provides a much needed, practical analysis of the law concerning business transfers and how it affects the relationship between employees and employers in the UK and the EU. The book considers the legal framework, case law and ...
The Expropriation of Quosi-vents in Corporate Control Changes: Do Incumbent Managers Protect "stakeholders"?
The Great Australian Take-over Bid
S. French , J.R.P. , Harrison , R.V. & Pinneau , S.R. ( 1982 ) . Arbeit und Gesundheit . Stress und seine Auswirkungen bei verschiedenen Berufen . Bern : Huber . ... Palo Alto : Davis Black . Cartwright , S. & Cooper , C.L. ( 1992 ) .
Contemporary romantic novel aimed at the modern girl.
Oxford , Butterworth - Heinemann . CARTWRIGHT S. , COOPER C. L. and JORDAN J. ( 1998 ) ' Managerial preferences in international merger and acquisition partners ' , in D. Hussey ( ed . ) , The Strategic Decision Challenge , Chichester ...
... John Gilligan , Mara McNeill Sinclair , Michael Cumming , Clive McClintock , Lucinda Horler Webber , Tom Lamb , Chris Biggs and Elissa Armstrong , and Chris Ennew for her particular help on entrepreneurial typologies .
How to Manage a Merger...or Avoid One
Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations, 8e is the latest update of this well-known and highly regarded text which provides clear, comprehensive and practical coverage of the process and issues...