Cross-border direct investment constitutes a substantial sector of the international financial market and is also an important vehicle for the transfer of technology and the modernisation of national economies. In recent years, international arbitration has gained a prominent role as a means of settlement of foreign investment disputes. The number and size of investment disputes under arbitration have risen significantly due to the growing number of bilateral investment treaties and increased use of arbitration under multilateral investment treaties. Arbitrating such disputes requires specialised skills and arbitrators with international experience. This new title, featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, deals with the procedural and substantive legal aspects of arbitrating foreign investment disputes. The chapters cover the basic framework of investment protection, the key notions of investment protection and examples and crucial aspects of arbitrating foreign investment disputes. For those involved with international investment arbitration, including practising lawyers, anyone doing business abroad and academics Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes: Procedural and Substantive Legal Aspects will provide high level analysis and accurate legal updates and assessments from around the world.
This work deals with the current state of investment dispute resolution and analyzes the problems associated with investor-state arbitration.
International Investment Law and Arbitration: History, Modern Practice, and Future Prospects explores international law on foreign investment: its creation, functioning and evolution.
This one-volume monograph contains contributions from leading experts on a wide range of topics of both theoretical importance and practical implication that will affect the future of investment arbitration.
This volume serves as a comprehensive guide for those who wish to reform international investment law from within, seeking a return to the mutuality of access that is in arbitration's essence.
This handbook provides an explanatory introduction into the area of investment arbitration, differentiating it from commercial arbitration and state-to-state arbitration.
475 (July 2017) Berger A, Busse M, Nunnenkamp P, Roy M (2011) More stringent BITs, less ambiguous effects on FDI? Not a BIT! Econ Lett 112:270–272 Berger A, Busse M, Nunnenkamp P, Roy M (2013) Do trade and investment agreements lead to ...
This book considers foreign investment flows in major Asian economies.
Edited by Shaheeza Lalani and Rodrigo Polanco Lazo, The Role of the State in Investor-State Arbitration is a collection of edited contributions by lawyers, arbitrators and political scientists on the development of the concept of the ...
In General Principles of Law in Investment Arbitration, the authors address selected general principles of law, assessing their functions in investment arbitration.
This book gives a comprehensive overview of all relevant aspects of the issue of applicable substantive law in the context of investor/State arbitration.