Supplies an in-depth commentary on EU media law, with detailed analysis of all important legislation and court decisions. It leads European lawyers with vast knowledge and practical experience of media law provide detailed expert commentary.
This chapter explores the various, inter-related, frames of reference used to anchor public service broadcasting within the field of EU law. In an initial phase, the EU played a pivotal role in opening up domestic broadcasting systems ...
34702/07 Steel and Morris v. United Kingdom [2005] App. no. 68416/01 Steur v. ... 37374/05 Taylor-Sabori v. the United Kingdom [2002] App. no. 47114/99 Telegraaf Media Nederland Landelijke Media B.V. and others v.
"This book was originally published as a monograph in the International encyclopaedia of laws/Media law."
This publication is based on the discussions of a workshop organised by the European Audiovisual Observatory in September 2002, in collaboration with the Institute of European Media Law and the...
As this book details, the relationship between the media and the state has been at the heart of those efforts.
Although there appears to be no firm legal basis in the Treaties for EU legislative action aimed specifically at protecting media pluralism, this book opens a number of promising avenues along which a viable legal regime protecting media ...
Ian Kearns (quoted in Cielen 2005: 27), for example, insists that 'market failure has little or nothing to do with the thought process that came up with the Reithian principles of educate, inform and entertain'.
Containing state-of-the-art contributions on the various domains of European media policies, this Handbook deals with theoretical approaches to European media policy: its historical development; specific policies for film, television, radio ...
Supervising on-demand audiovisual media services: Best practices and methodology. Background document to the 38th European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Media Regulation in the European Union presents an anthology of the most important laws and regulations affecting journalism and the media in the European Union. It also covers relevant decisions...