This book offers an extraordinary wealth of information, from the ground up, of the law governing and regulating air transport today, with a strong emphasis on international aviation. A team of distinguished authors in the field of aviation law provide a cogent synthesis from which sound legal opinions and strategies of legal action may be confidently built. Among the many topics here in depth are the following: definition and classification of airspace; distinction between civil and state aircraft; air navigation and air traffic control services; airport charges and overflight charges; structure of ICAO; standard-setting functions and audit functions of ICAO; functions of the International Air Transport Association (IATA); policy and effects of deregulation and liberalization of air transport policy; the International Registry for Aircraft Equipment; air carrier liability regimes and claims procedure; measures to combat aviation terrorism, air piracy and sabotage; and the Open Skies Agreements. This publication cites significant legislation and court rulings, including from the United States and the European Union, where far-reaching measures on market access, competition and passenger rights have set trends for other regions of the world. The special case of Latin America has a chapter to itself. At a time when commercial aircraft have been used as lethal weapons for the first time, aviation law finds itself in the front line of responsibility for maintaining global aviation security.
Because of the enormous role played by international air transport with respect to gross national product, employment, and energy consumption, European Aviation Law is of great importance not only to European lawyers but to officials, ...
Beneath this are hundreds of domestic regulatory regimes that also apply national and international rules in disparate ways. The result is an agglomeration of legal cultures that can leave even experienced lawyers and academics perplexed.
The first part of this book describes the difficulties arising from the fact that the competence for the regulation of air transportation in Europe is divided between the EU and the Member States.
Without a doubt this work enriches the legal literature and encourages stakeholders in this burgeoning field of aviation law to further examine and challenge developments and trends in regulation and of practice.
Much of the law regarding civil aviation has been developed through a combination of domestic laws and international agreements between the United States and other nations.
This book is designed for anyone involved with aviation law and policy that wishes to gain more understanding about aviation cybersecurity, as well as anyone involved in cybersecurity more generally and in other areas of transport, that ...
The many practitioners, officials, business people, and academics with a professional interest in aviation law will appreciate this new edition of one of the fundamental works in the field, and newcomers will discover an incomparable ...
This is the first and only book thus far to deal with the legal issues surrounding this important development, focusing on the impact of EU Directive 12/2009 on airport charges.
2011 Updated Reprint. Updated Annually. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Handbook
This book builds on the scholarship of the law of state jurisdiction, engaging with fundamental questions about states' legislative competence, to respond to climate change.