Well-known since its first edition for its lucid explanation of the important concepts affecting international commercial agreements in terms that a lawyer or business executive new to the field can understand and use - rather than the legal jargon of experts talking to other experts - this incomparable work provides basic, precise information on setting up and performing international trade transactions. Its focus reflects the reality of the day-to-day business of international trade, which is primarily an undertaking between two private businesses based on a contract drafted and negotiated between the two parties for performance by them with occasional third-party assistance.Reinforcing the book's concentration on the private dimensions of international trade, and more precisely on the contractual aspects of that trade, the Fourth Edition extends its coverage to the newest growing dimensions of the field, with new chapters on intellectual property, international electronic commerce, etc
Cole, supra note 259, at 10. See also Cole et al. in 1981 IFA Report, supra note 343, at 281 (commenting that in the United States the competent authority officials freely communicate with the taxpayers). 883.
Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration.
Article 5(2): “The Secretariat may grant the respondent an extension of the time for submitting the Answer, provided the application for such an extension contains the respondent's observations or proposals concerning the number of ...
Desirability of Post-hearing Memoranda Careful consideration should also be given at the end of the hearing (although, of course, counsel should already be considering such issues well in advance of the end of the hearing) as to whether ...
It provides a practical summary of the relevant legal systems and offers an insight into the manner in which each jurisdiction seeks to resolve commercial disputes, both through traditional court proceedings and alternative dispute ...
Analysis of both the concluded and the proposed dispute resolution methods.
This book gives a comprehensive overview of all relevant aspects of the issue of applicable substantive law in the context of investor/State arbitration.
Written by specialists from each jurisdiction, this new edition provides an in-depth, article-by-article analysis of the local enactment and application of the model law in each of the jurisdictions concerned, alongside consideration of the ...
This work deals with the current state of investment dispute resolution and analyzes the problems associated with investor-state arbitration.