Starting from the premise that a multilateral legal framework is the surest way to achieve predictability and transparency under conditions of increasing reliance on internationally traded energy, the essays gathered in this book treat the many complex interlocking issues raised by examining that desideratum in the light of current reality. Concentrating on the application of WTO agreements to energy trade - as well as energy-related issues addressed in the current WTO negotiations - the authors offer in-depth discussion and analysis of such issues as the following: the effectiveness of existing WTO agreements in addressing issues pertinent to energy trade how restrictive practices of energy endowed countries can be tackled under existing international trade rules; existing frameworks for investment in highly capital-intensive energy infrastructure projects;and conditions for access to pipelines and transmission grids; regulation of energy services; bioenergy development and trade; energy issues addressed in the WTO accession negotiations of energy endowed countries; international instruments of resolution of energy-related disputes.
... University of Warwick 2007) Dolzer R and Schreuer C, Principles of International Investment Law (OUP 2008) Drabek Z and Mavroidis PC (eds), Regulation of Foreign Investment: Challenges to International Harmonization (2013) World ...
This in itself is efficient, but, as McMillan and Rodrik note, in a larger perspective it is also problematic, because those workers are ending up in sectors with worse performance. McMillan and Rodrik explain: Asian and Latin American ...
This book demonstrates the need to coordinate private and corporate actors with national and global sustainable climate policies, with conventions in the spheres of green energy laws, as well as from the spheres of commercial, trade, and ...
This book is a comprehensive economic and legal study of the theoretical and practical aspects of the problems of increasing energy efficiency; self-motivation of energy saving by business entities within the framework of their corporate ...
This book shows how the links between energy security and national and international law and policies on green energy pose challenges to a transition towards a green energy system.
92–123; Falkner and Jaspers (2012); Reuveny (2010); Eerola (2006), pp. 333–350, November; Vranes (2009); Carraro and Egenhofer (2007). 56Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015, Transforming our world: the 2030 ...
The book presents contributions from Brazilian experts on the regulation of different energy sources.
What can trade regulation contribute towards ameliorating the GHG emissions and reducing their concentrations in the atmosphere? This collection of essays analyses options for climate-change mitigation through the lens of the trade lawyer.
This new edition has been fully updated to take account of the most recent developments in International Trade.
This completely revised edition of Energy Law and the Environment has greatly expanded its scope to explore how international law engages with multinational companies regarding energy sources, ownership of those resources, and state ...