Although there appears to be no firm legal basis in the Treaties for EU legislative action aimed specifically at protecting media pluralism, this book opens a number of promising avenues along which a viable legal regime protecting media pluralism may be achieved in the EU. With particular focus on broadcasting, the book examines existing (albeit fragmented) legislative and regulatory measures in competition law and other areas that contribute to this goal, and sets forth ways to strengthen monitoring and transparency, generate ‘soft law with hard statements’, introduce a ‘pluralism test’ in the EU Merger Regulation, promote more public service media, and foster media literacy. Among many other issues arising in the course of the discussion, the author describes and elucidates the following: various types of integration of media companies and the different ways they affect pluralism and diversity; limitations of must-carry rules and principles of interoperability; the diverging priorities of different European organizations, institutions and bodies; and contradictory lobbying efforts from industry actors. The author places herself on the culture side of the culture/commodity dilemma, showing why it is vital for regulators to preserve media pluralism by counteracting excessive media concentration and safeguarding quality and diversity of content. In this era which is transforming media and communications industries worldwide, with an ever-increasing plethora of delivery means without respect to national borders, this book is an essential resource for regulators and other concerned policymakers, as well as for lawyers working with any aspect of media.
This volume offers a perspective of both "new" and "old" EU Member States on a media policy process seen as an integral part of a European communication space formation and exercise of communication rights. Book jacket.
The Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law explores the diversity of phenomenon of overlapping legal systems within the European Union, the nature of their interactions, and how they deal with the difficult question of the legal ...
This important book examines the challenges posed to public service obligations by European Union media law and policy.
This book is a must-read study for all scholars, competition authorities and policymakers interested in the question of how competition law can apply in such a manner that antitrust and merger assessments do not disregard non-price concerns ...
This chapter explores the various, inter-related, frames of reference used to anchor public service broadcasting within the field of EU law. In an initial phase, the EU played a pivotal role in opening up domestic broadcasting systems ...
This book offers the first overarching examination of constitutional pluralism in the European context.
Innovative and timely, this Research Handbook will be a crucial companion for academics and students in the fields of law, policy and media, who wish to further their understanding of the logic of future developments in the EU digital media ...
This book brings together legal philosophers, political philosophers, and EU legal academics in the service of developing the philosophical analysis of EU law.
It leads European lawyers with vast knowledge and practical experience of media law provide detailed expert commentary.
Adopting a truly global, theoretical and multidisciplinary perspective, Media Pluralism and Diversity intends to advance our understanding of media pluralism across the globe.