The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) has become the key framework for drafting international sales contracts and resolving resulting disputes. The remarkable progress of this epoch-making uniform international law calls for a new edition (the fifth) of the late Professor Honnold’s preeminent commentary, now issued under the authoritative hand of Harry M. Flechtner, editor of the fourth edition and a National Correspondent for the United States at UNCITRAL. Professor Flechtner updates Professor Honnold’s in-depth article-by-article exposition, addressing newly arising issues and taking into account the numerous decisions and scholarly analyses that have focused on the CISG in the twelve years since the last edition in 2009. Also expertly updated is Professor Honnold’s masterly overview of the development and implementation of the text of the CISG, as well as his authoritative insights into the underlying principles and purposes of the treaty. Taking into account the myriad variations among distinct legal systems, the commentary expertly treats all crucial aspects of sales contracts, including the following: delivery of the goods and handing over of documents; conformity of the goods and third-party claims; obligations of the parties; payment of the price; taking delivery; anticipatory breach; instalment contracts; remedies for breach of contract; damages; interest; exemptions; limits and effects of avoidance; preservation of the goods; and risk of loss. The CISG is widely regarded as the most significant body of international sales law and the most successful international commercial treaty in history. This new edition provides tribunals, practitioners, and scholars invaluable up-to-date insights into the meaning of each article of the Convention. The multitude of authorities consulted, many dating from the past few years, will continue to influence the promotion of international sales contract uniformity, encourage the settlement of disputes, and help to reinforce consensus in the application of the Convention.
This new edition provides tribunals, practitioners, and scholars invaluable up-to-date insights into the meaning of each article of the Convention.
Professor John Honnold, renowned scholar of commercial law, former Chief of the UN International Law Branch and Secretary of the UN Commission on International Trade Law, led the work of drafting and adopting the 1980 Convention on the ...
Professor John Honnold, renowned scholar of commercial law, former Chief of the UN International Law Branch & Secretary of the UN Commission on International Trade Law, led the work of drafting & adopting the 1980 Convention on the ...
Uniform Law for International Sales Under the 1980 United Nations Convention
This publication is a comprehensive commentary on the history, analysis & interpretation of the Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). These treaties are intended to protect U.S. investment in foreign countries. Although...
In April 1964 a Diplomatic Conference of 28 States met at the Hague to act on these two related drafts. After three intense weeks the Conference finalized two conventions: One set forth a Uniform Law for the International Sale of Goods ...
Documentary History of the Uniform Law for International Sales: The Studies, Deliberations and Decisions That Led to the 1980 United...
Extensively referenced, the volume focuses on the exact determination of the CISG’s sphere of application; both the non-conformity of delivered goods and the notice of non-conformity; and the determination of the rate of interest on sums ...
Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
(2005–2006) 25 Journal of Law & Commerce, 467 (cited: Grebler, 25 J L & Com, 467) Grossfeld, Bernhard/Winship, ... Butterworths Introduction to Commercial Law (5 ed LexisNexis NZ Ltd, Wellington, 2005) (cited: Hawes et al., Butterworths ...