Concise European Patent Law

Concise European Patent Law
Kluwer Law International B.V.
Jochen Pagenberg, Richard Hacon


In our technological society patent law plays a central role as an incentive for the development and marketing of new technologies in many fields of business. The number of patent applications continues to grow considerably every year. International and European conventions and other instruments have been implemented in order to simplify the application for and enforcement of patents and which also govern the scope of protection afforded by a patent in Europe. Others are being planned. This second edition of Concise European Patent Law aims to offer the reader a rapid understanding of all the provisions of patent law in force in Europe that have been enacted at the European and international levels. This volume takes the form of an article-by-article commentary on the European Patent Convention and the relevant European Community legislation and international treaties. It is intended to provide the reader with a short and straightforward explanation of the principles of law to be drawn from each provision, with references to the most important case law. Editors and authors are prominent specialists (both academics and practitioners) in the field of international and European patent law. Concise European Patent Law, second edition is one of a series of volumes of commentary on European Intellectual property legislation edited by Thomas Dreier, Charles Gielen and Richard Hacon, based on the respected German and Dutch series ‘Kurzkommentar and Tekst en Commentaar.’

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