Fabulous Identities revises traditional interpretations of the fairy-tale vogue which was dominated by salon women in the last decade of the French seventeenth century. This study of women's tale narratives is set into an investigation of how aristocratic identity was transformed by political and social realignments forced by royal absolutism or ambitious materialism. Women's distinctive contributions to the genre are defined by drawing upon various texts that articulated the century's moral, cultural, and aesthetic values, as well as upon contemporary critical perspectives including seventeenth-century historical and cultural studies. Caught up in the philosophical, political and social controversy over woman's nature, seventeenth-century women writers benefited from salon culture and their access to writing through the literary genres of fairy tales and novels, to explore new identities and expand representations of subjectivity. Women's tales can be seen as a theater for staging an authorial persona at odds with their portrait as presented in male-authored didactic treatises and in the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. At a time when the pressures of social conformity weighed heavily upon them, the conteuses highlight through metamorphosis the affective dimension together with its impact on evolving notions of personal autonomy.
A biography of the nineteenth-century Frenchman whose childhood love of literature, science, and adventure, along with his vivid imagination, led him to become a highly successful science fiction author.
Werth 15.3.98 Sh . : « le chef de la banque » ( russo - chinoise qui négocie un emprunt pour la concession française de ... Wrecker ( le ) 20.12.98 Sh . : William Hazlitt the Younger , The Romancist and Novelist's library , 1841.
Sur les pas de la comtesse de Ségur constitue un surprenant pèlerinage littéraire et artistique qui révèle rut aspect inattendu de l'auteur des Malheurs de Sophie et nous fait découvrir un pays mystérieux et fascinant.
Frey , Luthardt et Wagner , élèves formés dans le cours des premières opérations ; le siège principal de celles - ci fut dans les districts d'Aarbourg , Cerlier , Nidau , Buren et Laupen ; elles s'appuyaient toujours sur de bonnes bases ...
Voltaire Almighty provides a lively look at the life and thought of one of the major forces behind the European Enlightenment.
Ami intime de Gustave Flaubert, M. Du Camp apporte un témoignage sur la vie et le milieu littéraire du XIXe siècle.
Published by arrangement with Hill and Wang , a division of Farrar , Straus & Giroux , Inc. From “ A Wound That Will Never Be Healed : An Interview with Elie Wiesel , ” by Bob Costas , is from Telling the Tale : A Tribute to Elie Wiesel ...
L'admiration bientôt réciproque des deux hommes méritera quelques remarques caustiques de la plume de Vian toujours aux aguets : « C'est la réponse du berger à la bergère ; rarement justifia - ton mieux le label “ société d'admiration ...
A French poet, playwright, novelist, and critic talks about her childhood, the development of her literary talent, and love, dreams, drugs, translation, feminism, ecology, and mysticism
Basically, [Barth] takes several people from his early novels and has them all starting to write to each other, and to him, their letters and experiences directing the plot.