The subject of Images of America in Scandinavia, the first comprehensive study of its kind, is as multifaceted, complex, and overwhelming as America or the United States, itself. It concerns the nature and function, reality and fiction of such images in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden past and present. The book is intended to be a source of solid information as well as a starting point for further inquiries into its cultural territory. Part of its focus is on images of America rooted in printed sources, but, in addition, general surveys of other cultural signs of America in the Scandinavian countries present a broader picture and provide some of the background for the predominantly literary images. Issues such as government and politics, popular and vanguard music and art, and socio-cultural institutions intermittently come to the fore.Framing the volume's three pairs of national surveys is an introductory chapter, which addresses the entire subject from a bird's-eye view, and a concluding chapter, which, by contrast, delves into the cross-fire of sentiments defining people whose images of America, are both American and Scandinavian. The discussion of America as perceived in Scandinavia sheds new light on intriguing inter-Scandinavian cultural distinctions and borderlines.Countless books and articles, methods and theories, have been devoted to the study of national and cultural identity. Still, the exchanges between such identities and the images they engender - so indispensable for the participants in a global culture - remain clouded by many misconceptions. Images of America in Scandinavia whose editors and authors all have Scandinavian backgrounds, will contribute an improved understanding of the cultural interplay between Scandinavia and the United States of America.
The Ethnic Image in Modern American Literature, 1900 -1950: 1
Mary's affirmation that one should not have to deserve a home leads Warren to consider what the term means , and she fosters his awakening by extending her ...
A friend of Abigail Adams for many years, Mercy Otis Warren is one of the most important women of the Revolutionary War pe- riod. She was a poet, ...
Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature Penguin Indiana Edition
Because she possessed a wide range of skills, Brooks was able to write in a multiplicity of forms and traditions. She also became involved in the Black Arts Movement. Brooks's poetry itself often considers international themes in local ...
This title is also available as a film_
Gevaarlijk terrein: het landschap in de Amerikaanse literatuur
Features more than 130 short stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe.
美国文学源流: Significant Poets, Novelists & Dramatists, 1775-1955