Despite all the assertions towards the end of the twentieth century that the literary subject had expired along with the author, the wave of autobiographies published in German after theWende was a clear indication that, on the contrary, life stories were very much alive. In this study, Owen Evans examines the work of eight authors – Ludwig Harig, Uwe Saeger, Ruth Klüger, Günter de Bruyn, Günter Kunert, Christoph Hein, Grete Weil and Monika Maron – who all published personal texts after 1989 dealing either with life in Nazi Germany or the GDR, and in some cases both. By means of close textual analysis, Evans explores the impact these regimes had on the individuals concerned and the contrasting ways in which the authors handle the autobiographical project. They adopt varying textual strategies to render the self on the page, with some employing overt fiction, and yet in each case, the project was clearly motivated by the need to treat psychological wounds inflicted on the self by totalitarianism. In their mapping of the contours of oppression, the texts at the heart of this study combine to offer a powerful defence of literary autobiography, in Germany at least, as a valuable means of tackling the legacy of totalitarianism.
It is structured into the oppressive arrangements that critical social theorists aggressively analyze because oppressive ... As Giroux never tired of reminding us, critical educators assist students in mapping the contours of oppression ...
Mapping the Contours of Oppression: Subjectivity, Truth and Fiction in Recent German Autobiographical Treatments of Totalitarianism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. Fallada, Hans. Jeder stirbt für sich allein. Berlin: Aufbau, 1947.
The 'ethics advisory board', the engagement in activist spaces, the descriptions of the accessibility aspects of the ... Indeed, this is the vital work that academics can do: using research to build knowledge, links and solidarities.
Book Review Index provides quick access to reviews of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media representing a wide range of popular, academic and professional interests. The up-to-date coverage,...
Raising consciousness of the struggles of oppressed Indigenous peoples throughout the world has been an intensely ... In "The Context of the State of Nature," James Youngblood (a.k.a. Sakej) Henderson maps the contours of the false ...
Rachel Hills’s foreword to this new edition explores how Christine Delphy’s analysis of marriage as the institution behind the exploitation of unpaid women’s labor is as radical and relevant today as it ever was.
This edited collection examines the significance and implications of anti-Black racism and anti-African racisms for schooling and education in African contexts.
Empowerment pedagogy: Experiential education in the social work classroom. Canadian Social Work Review I 6, 35-48. Ellsworth, E. (1989). Why doesn't this feel empowering? Working through the repressive myths of critical pedagogy.
The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that showcase significant scholarly work at the various intersections that currently motivate interdisciplinary inquiry in German cultural studies. Topics span German-speaking lands and...
... oppressed groups occupy in a materialist diagnosis of social power . Fraser's work has become increasingly removed from the phenomenal realm of everyday experience as she has concentrated on “ thinking big and mapping the contours ...