The End of the Law: The Good Life, a Teleological View

The End of the Law: The Good Life, a Teleological View
Peeters Publishers
Stephen Theron


The End of the Law pursues further the ethical theories developed in the author's earlier books, such as Morals as Founded on Natural Law (1987) or The Recovery of Purpose (1993). Here he focuses more intensively upon the foundation of any deontological motive of duty upon a teleological substructure. All law is for an end, and moral reality is grounded exclusively in the exigences of a dynamic human reality. There is no separate moral reality or "universe of value". This is the attitude the author calls moralism, which he exposes in authors such as Kant and R.M. Hare, with their "anti-ontological stance". At the same time, he is careful to distance himself from utilitarianism, as replacing the common good with the aggregate good. For the author, and the Aristotelian Thomist tradition he draws upon, the ends of actions specify them morally, unlike extrinsically succeeding results.

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