Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology is a collection of articles by scholars in various theological disciplines from five Scandinavian or Nordic countries. The articles cover a wide range of topics, including feminist sexual ethics, ecofeminist theology, gender perspectives on European welfare systems, Birgitta of Sweden and a search for Mary beyond stereotypes. As the title implies, a critical dialogue with US feminist theology is a recurrent theme throughout the book, but the essays also include constructive work from different theological perspectives. The journal also includes a bibliography that shows the diversity of Scandinavian and Nordic feminist theological research.
Ronald M. Dworkin, in “Is Law a System of Rules?” commenting on Hart's rules of recognition, argued that principles as well as rules are required to determine primary rules of obligation, and that principles, unlike rules, ...
La teología feminista cristiana surge de la percepción del feminismo contemporáneo como un desafío fundamental para el cristianismo, referido sobre todo a la dignidad de las mujeres y la plena humanidad de todos los seres humanos.
Estudios de autoras en América Latina, el Caribe y Estados Unidos
617. 12 Ibid 13 Ann Brown, Apology to Women, Inter Varsity Press, 1987. 14 Jim Davis and Donna Johnson, Redefining the Role of Women in the Church, (Santa Rosa Beach, FL: Christian International Ministries Network, 1997), p. 26.
Kathleen McManus employs Edward Schillebeeckx's method of negative contrast experience to explore how the global suffering of the marginalized, particularly women, reveals God's vulnerable rule, posing an ethical imperative for the church.
from his creation - commonly referred to among feminists as " classical theism❞ — is also deemed to be a primary source ... Kathryn Greene - McCreight , Feminist Reconstructions of Christian Doctrine : Narrative Analysis and Appraisal ...
In Liberating Faith Practices, women scholars critique reigning models of pastoral theology and propose transformative practices that emerge out of the everyday lives of women.'
Rosemary Radford Ruether's authoritative, award-winning critique of women's unequal standing in the church, which explored the complex history of redemption in evaluating conflict over the fundamental meaning of the Christian gospel for ...
How did women become identified with sin, an d what forces were at work in the deep ambivalence of Christ ianity towards women? In this work Reuther traces the shift in the fundamental paradigm of the Christian understanding o f the person.
... Opferung Isaaks " im 20. Jahrhundert auf der Theater- bühne , ( Altes Testament und Moderne 19 ) , Lit Verlag : Münster 2004 , 296 S. , ISBN 3-8258-7196-7 , € 19.90 Corinne Lanoir , Femmes fatales , filles rebelles . Figures féminines ...