Metron: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age

Peeters Pub & Booksellers
Karen Polinger Foster, Robert Laffineur


Contents: Foreword ; List of abbreviations ; A. KEYNOTE ADDRESS ; James D. MUHLY : Archaeology and Archaeometry: Why We Need (and Should Want) to Work Together ; B. MEASURING THE AEGEAN LANDSCAPE ; Gisela WALBERG: Measuring the Aegean Landscape ; Daniel J. PULLEN: Site Size, Territory, and Hierarchy: Measuring Levels of Integration and Social Change in Neolithic and Bronze Age Aegean Societies ; Richard ROTHAUS, Eduard REINHARDT, Thomas TARTARON and Jay NOLLER: A Geoarchaeological Approach for Understanding Prehistoric Usage of the Coastline of the Eastern Korinthia ; Anastasia DAKOURI-HILD, Eleni ANDRIKOU, Vassilis ARAVANTINOS and Elena KOUNTOURI: A GIS in Boeotian Thebes: Taking Measures for Heritage Management, Archaeological Research and Public Outreach ; C. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION ; Thomas F. TARTARON: The Characterization of Inorganic Materials in Aegean Prehistory ; Pat GETZ-GENTLE, Norman HERZ, Yannis MANIATIS and Kyriaki POLIKRETI: Sourcing the Marble of Early Cycladic Objects: : Tristan CARTER: Problematizing the Analysis of Obsidian in the Aegean and Surrounding Worlds ; Zofia A. STOS-GALE and Noel H. GALE: Lead Isotopic and other Isotopic Research in the Aegean ; Carole GILLIS, Robin CLAYTON, Ernst PERNICKA and Noel GALE: Tin in the Aegean Bronze Age ; Susan Ferrence, Kristalia Melessanaki, Maripaz Mateo, Philip P. Betancourt and Demetrios Anglos: Adaptation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for the Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts ; Philip P. BETANCOURT: Interpreting Ceramic Petrography: The Special Product Model, a New Model for Pottery Distribution in the Early Minoan Period ; Evangelia KIRIATZI: Sherds, Fabrics and Clay Sources: Reconstructing the Ceramic Landscapes of Prehistoric Kythera ; Vassilis KILIKOGLOU, Evangelia KIRIATZI, Anna PHILIPPA-TOUCHAIS, Gilles TOUCHAIS and Ian WITHBREAD: Pottery Production and Supply at MH Aspis, Argos: The Evidence of Chemical and Petrographic Analyses ; D. ARTIFACT-BASED STUDIES ; Elizabeth HENDRIX: Some Methods for Revealing Paint on Early Cycladic Figures ; Walter MWalter MULLER: Minoan Works of Art - ; Thanos PANTAZIS, Andreas G. KARYDAS, Christos DOUMAS, Andreas VLACHOPOULOS, Petros NOMIKOS and Mark DINSMORE: X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of a Gold Ibex and other Artifacts from Akrotiri ; Elizabeth B. SHANK and Costas BALAS: The MuSIS 2007 and its Application to the Throne Room Fresco at Knossos ; Ann BRYSBAERT: Rotating Angles in Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age. The Technology of Bronze Age Painted Plaster from the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean ; Maria C. SHAW: Grids and other Drafting Devices in Minoan and other Aegean Wall Painting. A Comparative Analysis Including Egypt ; E. EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY AND REPLICATION PROJECTS ; Elizabeth J.W. BARBER: Archaeology by Experiment and Reproduction ; Eva ANDERSSON and Marie-Louise B. NOSCH: With a Little Help from my Friends: Investigating Mycenaean Textiles with Help from Scandinavian Experimental Archaeology ; F. ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL ANALYSES ; Robert ARNOTT and Elizabeth STUCKEY: Finding the Hydra: The Search for Malaria in the Prehistoric Aegean ; Sevi TRIANTAPHYLLOU: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Bronze Age Cemetery Populations from Western and Central Greek Macedonia ; Margaret SERPICO: Quantifying Resin Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age ; G. ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTIONAL STUDIES ; Donald PREZIOSI: What Does a Module Mean? ; Joseph W. SHAW: Palatial Proportions: A Study of the Relative Proportions between Minoan Palaces and Their Settlements ; David Gilman ROMANO: Minoan Surveyors and Town Planning at Gournia ; Louise A. HITCHCOCK: Louise A. HITCHCOCK: "And Above Were Costly Stones, Hewn According to Measurement:" ; Michael C. NELSON: Leveling Ashlar Walls ; H. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ; Maria Emanuela ALBERTI: Weighting and Dying between East and West Weighing Materials from LBA Aegean Funerary Contexts ; Karl M. PETRUSO: Quantal Analysis of Some Mycenaean Balance Weights ; Lorenz RAHMSTORF: The Identification of Early Helladic Weights and Their Wider Implications ; Anna MICHAILIDOU: Measuring Weight and Value in Bronze Age Economies in the Aegean and the Near East: A Discussion on Metal Axes of No Practical Use ; I. STATISTICAL ANALYSES OF CERAMICS ; Marianna NIKOLAIDOU, Nikos MEROUSIS, Aikaterini PAPANTHIMOU and Angeliki PAPASTERIOU: From Metron to Context in Neolithic/Early Bronze Age Mandalon, Northwestern Greece: The Example of Ceramics ; Iris TZACHILI: Quantitative Analysis of the Pottery from the Peak Sanctuary at Vrysinas, Rethymnon ; J. MEASURING AND LINEAR A ; Dimitri NAKASSIS and Kevin PLUTA: Linear A and Multidimensional Scaling ; Massimo PERNA: Ideograms of Vases and Fractions in Linear A Script ; K. MEASURING ACROSS SPACE AND TIME ; George F. BASS: Carolyn: A Submersible for Underwater Archaeology ; Robert LAFFINEUR and Jean-Noel ANSLIJN: Laser Plotting and 3D Reconstruction of Aegaean Archaeological Remains. From the River Meuse to the Aegaean Sea ; Benjamin R. FOSTER: The Measure of Ancient Mesopotamia ; Malcolm H. WIENER: Time Out: The Current Impasse in Bronze Age Archaeological Dating ; L. POSTERS ; Paolo BELLI: On Measuring Tholoi in the Aegean Bronze Age ; Andrew BEVAN and Doniert EVELY: The Andrew BEVAN and Doniert EVELY: The "Stone Vessels of the Bronze Age Aegean" ; Giuliana BIANCO: Two Different Building Modules of Measurement at Kommos - A Neopalatial Module in Building T and a Postpalatial Module in Building P ; Janice L. CROWLEY: IconA: Classification and Database for Aegean Glyptic ; Cesare D'ANNIBALE and Dan LONG: Replicating Bronze Age Obsidian Blade Manufacture: Towards an Assessment of the Scale of Production during the Minoan Period ; Karen Polinger FOSTER and Max BICHLER: Theran Pumice from Egyptian Graves? ; Bernice JONES: Veils and Mantles: An Investigation of the Construction and Function of the Costumes of the Veiled Dancer from Thera and the Camp Stool Banqueter from Knossos ; Walther KAMM: The Nippur-measuring-rod and its Reference to the Linear-Measure Used during the Aegean Bronze Age ; Athanasia KRAHTOPOULOU: Geomorphic Processes and the Creation of the Modern Archaeological Record of Northern Pieria, Macedonia, Greece ; Robert LAFFINEUR: Automatic Profile Drawing of Sherds and Vases at the University of Liege ; Abby LILLETHUN: The Recreation of Aegean Cloth and Clothing ; Severine LIVIN : An Advanced Skill in Hydraulic Engineering at Knossos? ; Walter MULLER : Precision Measurements of Minoan and Mycenaean Gold Rings with Ultrasound ; Steven SOETENS, Apostolos SARRIS, Klaas VANSTEENHUYSE and Sofia TOPOUZI: GIS Variations on a Cretan Theme: Minoan Peak Sanctuaries ; Gisela WALBERG and John HANCOCK : Digital Midea: An Interactive Computer Model of a Mycenaean Citadel ; John G. YOUNGER: Calculating Vessel Volumes ; M. ABSTRACTS ; Stelios ANDREOU, Sarantis DIMITRIADIS, Vassilis KILIKOGLOU, Evangelia KIRIATZI, Kostas KOTSAKIS and Alexandra TSOLAKIDOU: Measuring Demand and Supply of Mycenaean and Protogeometric Style Pottery in Late Bronze Age Macedonia with Special Reference to Thessaloniki Toumba ; Andrew BEVAN: Exploring Kythera: Island Dynamics and GIS ; Keri A. BROWN, Christine FLAHERTY, John PRAG and Terence A. BROWN: Families, Faces and Ancient DNA at Mycenae ; James CONOLLY: Quantitative Analysis of Aegean Survey Data: A Case Study from Kythera ; Charles FREDERICK, Athanasia KRAHTOPOULOU and Maria KOUSOULAKOU: Polycyclic Terracing: The View from Kythera ; Thea A. POLITIS, Meg H. ABRAHAM and J. Peter NORTHOVER: PIXE, Gold, and Granulation: Potential Applications for Measuring Social and Technological Interaction in the Aegean Bronze Age ; Sven VAN LOKEREN: Metallurgical Technologies and Production Organisation on LBA Kythera ; N. CLOSING ADDRESS ; Paul REHAK and John G. YOUNGER: Concluding Remarks.

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