'What does it mean to be human?' This age-old question has gained new urgency in the light of current technological developments. This volume addresses these developments, as well as the impact they have on human self-understanding, particularly from the perspective of Christian theological anthropology. This volume consists of fourteen chapters, divided into four different parts. The first part explores the challenges that contemporary technology poses with regard to human self-understanding. In the second part, the conceptual assumptions of technological developments themselves are critically questioned. The third part offers theological perspectives on technological developments and assumptions. The fourth and last part of the book returns to the empirical realm, describing the ethical challenges that can be experienced living with complex technology.
He reasoned that machine could supply . Just as in all other the ambient heat would cause the ammo- perpetual motion machines , there was a nia to boil . Even at a temperature as low hitch .
Provides essays and daily tips on Windows, Macs, AOL, the Web, viruses, computer maintenance, buying, privacy, and terminology.
Impulse, reaction, and Curtis staging. Turbines are built in two distinct types: (1) impulse and (2) reaction. Impulse turbines have stationary nozzles, and the total stage pressure drop is taken across them.
TABLE 6-1 Energy-Absorbing Capability of the Curtis Stage Reaction 2-row — Stage type Impulse wheel Sta. Rot. Combined Theoretical W/V for 0.50 0.25 . . . . . . 0.707 peak efficiency Required jet velocity, ft/s 1100 2200 550 550 AH ...
Technical Studies 1 Workbook
Readings in Technology and Civilization
John Kenneth Galbraith , in his controversial book The New Industrial State , describes the new economic situation characterized by increased technology . The economic child of technology is the large corporation , which , Galbraith ...
Teacher's Resource Book to Accompany Introduction to Technology
Investigating Technology