Kleine Ontwikkelingspsychologie II.
Als geen ander weet Rita Kohnstamm de lezers te verleiden mee te denken; zij vult wetenschappelijke kennis aan met alledaagse, herkenbare en invoelbare gedragingen en voorvallen.
... eerste oplage 2009 Ook verkrijgbaar : Rita Kohnstamm , Kleine ontwikkelingspsychologie II . De schoolleeftijd . ISBN 978 90 313 61618 Rita Kohnstamm , Kleine ontwikkelingspsychologie III . De puberjaren .
In A. L. Kalleberg, S. L. Morgan, J. Myles, & R. A. Rosenfeld (Eds.), Inequality: Structures, dynamics and mechanisms. Essays in honor of Aage B. Sørensen (Research in social stratification and mobility, Vol. 21, pp. 139–164).
This volume looks at three periods of adulthood identified on the basis of chronological age: young adulthood, from 18 to 40; middle adulthood, from 40 to 65; and later adulthood, from 65 until death.
-- Joan Fleming, M.D.
This volume collects recent prominent explorations of this theme, as well as the voices of dissenters who argue that our minds are far more significantly the product of culture than of evolution.
In F. Boller & J. Grafman (Eds), Handbook of neuropsychology, Vol. 1, pp. 195-222. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Bisiach, E., Berti, A., & Vallar, G. (1985). Analogical and logical disorders underlying unilateral neglect of space. In M.1.
The role of orthography in reading and writing is not a new topic of inquiry.
These companion volumes bring together research and theoretical work that addresses the relations between social context and the development of children.