Using mainly hitherto unstudied primary sources, this analytical-critical study presents an in-depth investigation into the origins and earliest history of South Fujian Protestantism as well as the first successful experiment in indigenisation and ecclesiastical union in China.
See Yu, Yejin tianming, pp. 279-80, 284-87; Zhao Iunying, Mantan 5960. 61. Wang Zhi, Wang Zaijianzheng lu, pp. 53-54, 110; Lin Zhengye, Zhai Fumin zhuan, pp. 72-73. Williamson, "Evangelistic Work in China To-day," p. 448.
The essays contained in The Catholic Church in Modern China inform readers of the major issues facing the Catholic Church in China today.
Flower, John Myers. “Portraits of Belief: Constructions of Chinese Cultural Identity in the Two Worlds of City and Countryside in Modern Sichuan Province.” Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1997. ———. “A Road Is Made: Roads, Temples, ...
This book offers a major contribution to the field and provides a timely, wide-ranging assessment of Christianity in Contemporary China.
Arthur H. Smith, Chinese Characteristics, reprint of 1894 edition with new introduction by Lydia H. Liu (Norwalk, CT: Eastbridge, 2003), pp. 329-330. Smith's book remained the West's bestselling book on China until Pearl Buck's The Good ...
Christian Women and Modern China explores how women have made history throughout the development of Chinese Protestantism.
As the second volume of a three- volume set on the indigenization of Christianity in modern China, this book focuses on Christianity’s encounter with the turbulent history of China in the 1920s, the responses of the Chinese Church to ...
2 parts . Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 13 ( 1973 ) : 110-32 ; 14 ( 1974 ) : 16085 . Swanson , Allen J. The Church in Taiwan : A Profile , 1980. Pasadena , Calif .: William Carey Library , 1981 . - .
With chapters written by experts on Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam, and more, this volume will appeal across the social sciences and humanities to those interested in politics, religion, and modernity in China.
In this centennial year of China's 1911 Revolution, Volume 3 in the Salt and Light series includes the life stories of influential Chinese who played a political or military role in the new Republic that emerged.