Over the past twenty years, much has been written about the knowledge bases thought necessary to teach science. Shulman has outlined seven knowledge domains needed for teaching, and others, such as Tamir, have proposed somewhat similar domains of knowledge, specifically for science teachers. Aspects of this knowledge have changed because of shifts in curriculum thinking, and the current trends in science education have seen a sharp increase in the significance of the knowledge bases. The development of a standards-based approach to the quality of science teaching has become common in the Western world, and phrases such as “evidence-based practice” have been tossed around in the attempt to “measure” such quality. The Professional Knowledge Base of Science Teaching explores the knowledge bases considered necessary for science teaching. It brings together a number of researchers who have worked with science teachers, and they address what constitutes evidence of high quality science teaching, on what basis such evidence can be judged, and how such evidence reflects the knowledge basis of the modern day professional science teacher. This is the second book produced from the Monash University- King’s College London International Centre for the Study of Science and Mathematics Curriculum. The first book presented a big picture of what science education might be like if values once again become central while this book explores what classroom practices may look like based on such a big picture.
Students and science report. Cambridge: OCR. Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) (2005) The secondary national strategy: an evaluation of the fifth year. London: Ofsted. Ogborn, J., Kress, G., Martins, I. and McGillicuddy, ...
Whether you are a beginning teacher or a more experienced teacher looking to support beginning and early career teachers, this book offers a rich source of experiences, ideas and insights to support you on your journey to becoming a ...
In this volume, Jan van Driel presents an overview of his research on the professional knowledge that science teachers develop and enact in their teaching to promote student understanding and engagement in science.
Featuring the most up-to-date work from leading PCK scholars in science education across the globe, this volume maps where PCK has been, where it is going, and how it now informs and enhances knowledge of science teachers’ professional ...
... knowledge base for science teaching, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34: 673–99. Adey, M., Shayer, P. and Yates, C. (2001) Thinking science (3rd edn). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Adey, P. (2004) The professional development of ...
With this simple guide, teachers can analyze their existing curriculum and instruction against a rubric of indicators of critical characteristics, related standards, concept development, and teaching strategies to develop students' ...
The chapters in this edition are reviews of research in science education and retain the strong international flavor of the project.
In this volume, Jan van Driel presents an overview of his research on the professional knowledge that science teachers develop and enact in their teaching to promote student understanding and engagement in science.
Magnusson, S., Krajcik, J., & Borko, H. (1999). Nature, sources and development of pedagogical content knowledge for science teaching. In J. Gess-Newsome & N. Lederman (Eds.), Examining pedagogical content knowledge: The construct and ...
... Education. Tran, L. U., & King, H. (2011). Teaching science in informal environments: Pedagogical knowledge for informal educators. In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The professional knowledge base of science teaching (pp ...