Modern states - and novel multinational polities such as the European Union - have to contend with greater degrees, and more complex forms, of diversity. What elements keep complex, «post-national», political entities together? What are the ties that bind people together in a world where they cannot rely on the safety of established national identifications (if they ever could)? This collection of essays by leading political scientists, philosophers and legal academics from Canada and Europe provides a transatlantic dialogue on the ways in which complex states (such as Canada) and non-states (the EU) may broach the modes of difference and diversity that confront them. Authors engage in insightful «diagnoses» of contemporary forms and modes of diversity, as well as critical appraisals of a number of normative responses meant to answer these challenges. These responses range from «reasonable accommodation» and multinationalism to cosmopolitanism. They include the recognition of «post-national», «multinational» or «deterritorialised» democracy and constitutional patriotism, as well as plural or «denationalised» citizenship.
Cover art: Photos of fabric provided by Kathy Black Cover design: Elizabeth Wright Interior design: Wynn Younker Art direction: Elizabeth Wright Visit Chalice Press on the World Wide Web at 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 09 10 ...
Children research their family backgrounds and celebrate their diversity at a heritage festival.
本书描述了七个国别不同, 肤色各异的孩子的多样化生活, 介绍了他们的不同点和共同点, 通过"一个与七个"个性与共性的对立与统一关系, 告诉我们世间万物多样化也可以和谐统一, ...
Breaking the Bounds of Bifurcation: The Challenge of Multiculturalism in Finnish Vocational Social Care Education
It's time to travel the world! Sing, dance, and play with children of other cultures.
The distinctive thesis of Faces of Inequality is that a state's racial and ethnic composition, as much as any other factor, shapes its political processes and policies.
Celebrating Diversity
These novel pairings illustrate the continued power, limitations, and, at times, destructiveness of multiculturalism, both as policy and as discourse."--Publisher's note.
This book is a gift from the author's heart to the reader's Mind.
In Praise of Multiculturalism: Defending Diversity