Superior Court of California,24 Asahi, a Japanese company, manufactured tire valve assemblies that were sold to Cheng Shin Rubber Industrial Company, a Taiwanese tire manufacturing company.
Well-known since its first edition for its lucid explanation of the important concepts affecting international commercial agreements in terms that a lawyer or business executive new to the field can understand and use - rather than the ...
This comprehensive Research Handbook examines the continuum between private ordering and state regulation in the lex mercatoria, highlighting constancy and change in this dynamic and evolving system in order to offer an in-depth discussion ...
This new edition of An International Restatement of Contract Law is the first comprehensive introduction to the Unidroit Principles 2004.
The book verifies the impact of national law and transnational rules on international contracts, particularly those with an arbitration clause.
In addition to arbitral and state court decisions and recent literature, the 2nd edition includes an in-depth analysis of extensive legislative material.
This book offers in-depth analysis of the foundations of, and justifications for, application of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts as the governing law to be recognized by arbitral tribunals and domestic courts.
This collection of essays demonstrates that this assumption is not fully applicable under systems of civil law, because these systems are based on principles, such as good faith and loyalty, which contradict this approach.
Articolo 2.1.2 (Definizione dell'offerta) Una proposta di concludere un contratto costituisce offerta se è sufficientemente precisa e se indica l'intenzione del proponente di obbligarsi in caso di accettazione.
The ICC has enunciated several rules, practices, standard contracts, & clauses for the facilitation of international trade. Although guidance exists for commercial practice in many different sectors--such as sale of...