This book aims to demonstrate how scholars in recent times have been utilizing egodocuments from various angles and providing an opening for the multivocality of the sources to be fully appreciated.
The book deals with both a reconstruction of Tuscan family books’ evolution and persistency, and several aspects of social history: reading and private libraries, domestic devotion, the memory of historical events.
The book deals with both a reconstruction of Tuscan family books' evolution and persistency, and several aspects of social history: reading and private libraries, domestic devotion, the memory of historical events.
Autobiographical Traditions in Egodocuments successfully makes the case for egodocuments being an intriguing part of the material culture of their time, with ample consideration given to the role of the book within individual households and ...
... 1984), Paola Barocchi, Studi Vasariani (Turin: Einaudi, 1984), Karen-edis Barzman, The Florentine Academy and the Early Modern State: The Discipline of Disegno (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), Rosanna Bettarini, ...
"This book aims to demonstrate how scholars in recent times have been utilizing egodocuments from various angles and providing an opening for the multivocality of the sources to be fully appreciated.
The Thirty Years War - the first great pan-European war, and until the twentieth century the most terrible - ravaged Germany, but myth, propaganda and historical controversy have obscured its true nature.
... Geletterde levens: Dagelijks lezen en schrijven in de vroegmoderne tijd in Nederland 1624—1770. Hilversum: Verloren. [English transl. Literacy in everyday life: Reading and writing in early modern Dutch diaries. Leiden, 2009. Brill ...
This book explores new questions and approaches to the rise of autobiographical writing since the early modern period. What motivated more and more men and women to write records of their private life?
The book describes the high expectations people had of science and medicine, and their disappointment at the failure of these new branches of learning to cure the world of its ills.