Private Law in the International Arena analyzes a wide variety of effects that cross-border activities have on the operation of private law, ranging from corporate and insolvency law to labor law, property law, the law of obligations, family law, European law and lex mercatoria. Civil procedure aspects, in national courts and arbitration proceedings, are also explored. This book provides a unique source of insights into the problems encountered and their possible solutions. All contributions have been written in honor of an eminent Private International Law scholar, Prof. Dr Kurt Siehr.
The crucial issue now is whether private international law can, or indeed should, survive as a discipline. This volume lays the foundations for a critical approach to private international law in the global era.
"The chapters of this volume were presented at the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth Sokol Colloquia on Private International Law, held at the University of Virginia School of Law in September 2014 and September 2015.
Weisberger, June Miller (1987) Selected Conflict of Laws Issues in Wisconsin's New Marital (Community) Property Act, 35 AM. ... Woodward, Jr., William J. (2001) Contractual Choice of Law: Legislative Choices in an Era of Party Autonomy, ...
This book explores these issues with a view to assessing the status quo and prospective developments in this area of the law which is undergoing significant changes and reforms. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
European Union Law and Private International Law both attempt to resolve a conflict of laws. There is however a certain tension between the two disciplines. The present book proposes suggestions to enhance their mutual understanding.
This work examines the governance structure of EPL. It proves that more can be achieved towards the Europeanisation of private law through a new approach involving innovative modes of governance in EPL.
Talia Einhorn, 'Jewish Divorce in the International Arena', in: Private Law in the International Arena – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Basedow et al. [eds.]) (The Hague: TMC Asser Press, 2000), 135. 943.
This book focuses on major amendments introduced in the Brussels I regulatory framework.
An Introduction (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002) Lando, O, 'The Principles of European Contract Law and the Lex Mercatoria', in J Basedow (ed), Private Law in the International Arena/Privatrecht in der internationalen Arena.
Maintenance can also be obtained under the Spanish Civil Code as a result of a change in case law which was justified by the ... 34 RIGAUX F., 'The law applicable to non-traditional families', in: Private Law in the International Arena.