A large number of Aramaic inscriptions from the 9th century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. are revisited in this fourth volume of Studies. After the stele of Tel Dan, the epitaph of Kuttamuwa from Zincirli, and the inscription found at Tepe Qalaichi, Aramaic dockets from Dur-Katlimmu are re-examined, distinguishing a court ruling concerning theft, agreements regarding mortgage, guarantee, indemnity, barley and silver loans, and the particular nsk-loan. Next are examined "cadastral" reports from Idumaea, some inscriptions from Hellenistic times, a divorce bill from the Roman period, several Palmyrene dedications, epitaphs, and honorific inscriptions, as well as some Hatraean texts, mainly related to Adiabene. Finally, Mercionism is considered as background of a saying on "two gods," ascribed to Rabbi Hiyya bar Abba. Like in the preceding volumes of Studies, detailed indexes list the inscriptions, the personal names and the place-names examined, as well as other subjects.
The G counts are from Ginsburg ( 1897b : II , 450-3 ) . The total for the Torah is duplicated in Dosa ben Elezer's massoret ( Ginsburg 1897b : II , 338 ) , but his total for the Prophets is 9,298 rather than 9,294 .
A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament
Another important feature in this invaluable reference work is its index of all cited passages, which allows the reader of a given text to easily find the semantics of a particular word.
This easy-to-understand book includes everything you need to learn Biblical Aramaic, including a lexicon of Biblical Aramaic, the complete annotated text of all 269 Bible verses written in Aramaic, and a downloadable grammar workbook with ...
Corpus of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls
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This multivolume work classifies the ostraca acording to subject matter and brings them together in a single publication --
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... alwd that-must-be-alwd is-appropriate-alwd it-fitting-alwd bucket-alwd because-necessary-alwd that-it-is-necessary ... companions-Nwkyrbxd whom-you-shut-up-Nwtsbxd anrkwd atkwd atkwd atkwd atkwd atkwd htkwd Nwhtkwd aykwd atykwd atykwd ...
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