Follow the Money is based on a startling insight: there are three different forms of money, not just one; and the form of money a society implements determines the kind of society it will be, and what's more, how it will think. For money is not neutral. It is a product of human artifice, the particular expression of a particular society, that at the same time determines the further course of that society, not just in terms of economics, but in all areas of cultural endeavor. This thesis is implemented with verve. The book takes the reader on a journey through history, beginning with ancient Mesopotamia, through Phoenicia, Greece, and Rome, then through medieval and early-modern Europe in its interaction with the Near and Far East, all the way to the modern-day community of nations. It demonstrates in no uncertain terms just how decisive the institution of money has been, and at the same time just how misunderstood - its role, its effects, even the very form it takes. This is still the case, with the result that political choices and action end up entirely misguided. It is especially true of the attempt to address the credit and debt crises afflicting the world today. The way forward will only come through a better understanding of money as institution. This book is a first step in arriving at such an understanding. As such, it takes the form of historical inquiry, which is the only form such a first step can take. Follow the Money is illustrated and published in full color.
A quarter describes all the ways it is used from the time it is minted until it is taken back to a bank.
Follow the Money exposes the labyrinth of connections between D.C.’s slimiest swamp creatures—Democrat operatives, lying informants, desperate and destructive FBI agents, Obama power brokers, CIA renegade John Brennan, George Soros, and ...
In Follow the Money, Sarah Reckhow shows where and how foundation investment in education is occurring and presents in-depth analysis of the effects of these investments within the two largest urban districts in the United States: New York ...
Examines how cost is determined in goods, what happens to money once it is used to buy something, and the basics of credit.
It provides five years of research support, for a total of $1.25M, for one or two outstanding new clinicianscholars each year, in any of the School's departments. Scholars are chosen by a Steering Committee of faculty from multiple ...
Years later, interviewed by Michael Crowley, Abramoff was still chagrined about the licking he took on the Tigua congressional effort. “That,” Abramoff told Crowley, “was the only time I can think of that we failed to achieve our goal.
Follow the Money Handbook
In 'Follow The Money' we catch up with old friends, Breakfast Roll Man and Miss Pencil Skirt, and meet new characters like the Merchant of Ennis, Shylock and the Godfather.
You can follow the rest of the tourists, or you can take the advice of Watergate reporter Bob Woodward’ s source, ‘ Deep Throat’ , and ‘ follow the money.’ Starting out in Lebanon, Kansas – the geographical centre of America – ...
A handbook designed to show readers how to follow their own hearts to the work of their dreams, suggesting that people can achieve fulfillment through pursuing the right livelihood.