The European Economic Community, founded in 1957, consisted of six Member States with a combined total of four official languages. By 2004, this organization had evolved into a European Union of twenty-five Member States with more than twenty official languages among them. This increase has presented numerous challenges to the EU's internal linguistic regime, where formal policy has been, with some notable exceptions, to treat all of these languages equally. Some of these languages â?? English in particular â?? have been more equal than others. Languages that lack nation-wide official status in any Member State â?? such as Catalan and Welsh â?? have been overtly denied equal treatment. Furthermore, the multilingual nature of the EU has had significant implications for any Member State that wishes to regulate the use of language within its territory, as such regulation can interfere with the rights accorded to citizens of other Member States to participate in free commercial movement throughout the Union. Law and Language in the European Union â?? now in paperback â?? examines how, in the linguistic realm, the EU has responded to the tensions that lie behind this paradoxical motto.
Putin, the 'normalization' of Russian Politics and Europe
1970 : the president of CL , François Bloch - Lainé , Inspecteur des Finances , adopted a strategy of partnerships with other banks in the form of Union des Banques Arabes et Françaises ( UBAF ) , and Europartners ( see below ) .
Britain and the European Union: Alternative Futures
A Price Not Worth Paying: The Economic Cost of EMU
"This paper compares alternative methodologies for estimating real exchange rate misalignment for EU countries.
Beyond the WTO?: An Anatomy of EU and US Preferential Trade Agreements
This e-book compiles the written contributions prepared by the speakers of an EUI conference titled 'Global Europe: The New Generation of EU Preferential Trade Agreements'.
17 M. Goldberg , R. W. Helseley and M. D. Levi , ' The Location of International Financial Centres ' , Annals of Regional Science , November 1988 , pp . 81–94 , and M. Goldberg , R. W. Helseley and M. D. Levi , ' The 134 Financial ...
Europäische Sozialpolitik - eine Einschätzung aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht
Giles Radice, ancien député travailliste et aujourd'hui membre de la Chambre des Lords, préside la section britannique du Conseil franco-britannique.