The farming and agri-food sectors are faced with an increasing demand by consumers for high-quality products. The current major questions are thus how to define quality, and how to increase the quality of animal products to satisfy these new requirements. This is the reason why the Cattle Commission of the European Association of Animal Production (EAAP) organised a specific session on this topic in September 2004. This session dealt with the manipulation and evaluation of bovine milk and meat composition and quality using various indicators (commercial, physical, biochemical, molecular or other). These indicators are any method, biological trait, or physical property which may be useful to predict a quality trait. Quality includes; sensory traits, nutritional properties of products, their ability to be processed and also any consideration of traceability (genetic, geographic or nutritional traceability). Thus, the full spectrum of quality attributes is discussed. Indicators may also be considered as predictors. In this respect, contributors discuss the detection early in life of the ability of animals to produce meat or milk of high quality. Indicators may also be useful for consumers when they buy meat or milk, as official or commercial signs of quality.
Выбор и воспитание котенка – ответственное мероприятие, ведь будущий питомец будет жить рядом с вами долгие годы. Очень важно еще ...
... 不超过1个吸收单位,则酶反应初始速度与加入的酶量呈线性关系),以每分钟OD 470 变化0.1为一个酶活单位U。每个样品重复 3次。 4超氧化物歧化酶(SOD):按郝建军等的方法测定。反应液含甲硫氨酸(1.3×10-2mol/L),氯化硝基四氮唑蓝(NBT,7.5×10-5mol/L),核黄 ...
阿根廷、巴西、乌拉圭是拉美发展“有机畜牧业”最快的国家,其中阿根廷尤为突出,1999年得到国际验证认可的有机牧场面积已超过23.1万公顷,其中20.8万公顷用于放牧。1995~1996年间,阿根廷向欧洲共同体出口了 211吨通过有机畜牧业生产的“有机肉”,其价格比普通肉 ...
《现代实用养猪全书》一共分为上、中、下三篇,上篇主要介绍了现代化养猪的国内、国外情况,猪的生物学特性,种猪的选育、评定,猪的繁殖及饲养,以及猪场的建设和选址。中 ...
(五)皮特兰猪皮特兰猪(如图4—25所示)原产于比利时,是近年来在欧洲流行的胴体瘦肉率最高的瘦肉型猪。图4—25 皮特兰猪(王林云,养猪词典,2004) 1.体型外貌毛色灰白,并夹有黑色斑块,头部轻秀,嘴大且直,耳中等大且略向前倾,体躯呈圆柱型,背直而宽大, ...
This is a guide to calf rearing which reflects modern practice in a variety of situations. It covers housed rearing of calves to 12 weeks, and includes sections on general...
Calf Rearing