This work deals with the current state of investment dispute resolution and analyzes the problems associated with investor-state arbitration. The author examines developments in the existing legal framework and looks at the mechanisms under existing domestic and international systems â?? such as judicial review and class actions â?? to see if these can be applied to investment dispute resolution. The author concludes that the features of traditional arbitration are not flexible enough to meet the needs of this modern form of international dispute resolution. Investment arbitration is now entering a new phase of its development. The traditional, typically arbitration-related issues of consent, privity, and confidentiality are making room for the now more important questions of disclosure, transparency, legal certainty, and consistency. The author calls for setting up a "model procedure," specifically created for international investment disputes as this would enable the establishment of a "tailor-made" process for this ever-growing area of law.
This handbook provides an explanatory introduction into the area of investment arbitration, differentiating it from commercial arbitration and state-to-state arbitration.
475 (July 2017) Berger A, Busse M, Nunnenkamp P, Roy M (2011) More stringent BITs, less ambiguous effects on FDI? Not a BIT! Econ Lett 112:270–272 Berger A, Busse M, Nunnenkamp P, Roy M (2013) Do trade and investment agreements lead to ...
For those involved with international investment arbitration, including practising lawyers, anyone doing business abroad and academics Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes: Procedural and Substantive Legal Aspects will provide high level ...
This volume brings together significant contributions from leading voices in academia, the legal profession and government on the increasingly important topic of international investment and the legal system in which it operates.
This book considers foreign investment flows in major Asian economies.
International Investment Law and Arbitration: History, Modern Practice, and Future Prospects explores international law on foreign investment: its creation, functioning and evolution.
This one-volume monograph contains contributions from leading experts on a wide range of topics of both theoretical importance and practical implication that will affect the future of investment arbitration.
Until now, the resolution of international commercial and investment disputes has been dominated almost exclusively by international arbitration. But that is changing.
Arbitration Practice and Procedure Interlocutory and Hearing Problems Third Edition Mark Cato, Julian Critchlow and ... Nathan D. O'Malley Merkin and Flannery on the Arbitration Act 1996 Sixth Edition Robert Merkin and Louis Flannery ...
This is an authoritative and full-scale review of the substantive law and principles of investment treaty arbitration.