This book highlights the opportunity to save taxes and the environment. It provides a thorough overview of both environmental taxes and tax incentives related to environmentally friendly investments and activities. It starts with a general introduction into the principles of environmental taxation and then, by looking at a set of 13 countries, the book provides an analysis of tax measures in the field of direct and indirect taxation with regard to the environment. It concludes with a comparative overview of the tax measures in the countries discussed.
... aggregated goals are needed . As the strength of the agents varies there is no point in measuring in kilos or litres ( ... ) The " frequency of use " target is one option but there is no obvious better choice . " ( Kærgård ...
Målet " behandlingshyppighed " kan diskuteres , men der er ikke nogen , der er oplagt bedre " ( Kærgård , 2000 : 47 ) . 80 81 82 83 Målet var , at det samlede forbrug af bekæmpelsesmidler skulle nedbringes med mindst 25 pct . inden den ...
Containing an authoritative set of original contributions, 'Environmental Taxation in China and Asia Pacific' provides insights and analysis for achieving environmental sustainability through fiscal policy in China and the Asia Pacific ...
Die eingriffsbezogenen Geldleistungspflichten des Naturschutzrechts als Anwendungsfälle einer Ökoschadensgebühr
A revised complete guide to environmental taxes, increasingly important in today's world. This book contains all relevant legislation and commentary, including the new rules on the climate change levy coming into force in 2001.
Environmental policies in India
Environmental Tax Reform and Endogenous Growth