Politics in Central Asia puzzle and frustrate western observers. To varying degrees. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have all been dismissed as authoritarian systems, hostile to democracy and the rights of citizens. Similar concerns have been voiced for Georgia and Armenia. Yet the prescriptions favored by the EU and USA for addressing these supposed pathologies have had little positive effect and may be making matters worse. Given the growing importance of these states, a better understanding of their politics is past due.
MPs Between Representing Their Voters and Serving an Authoritarian Regime Esther Somfalvy. Starr, Frederick S. (2006): Clans, Authoritarian Rulers, and Parliaments in Central Asia [Silk Road Paper, June 2006].
After the Czars and Commissars, for its extensive knowledge on state and media relations in post-Soviet Central Asia. The works of S. Frederick Starr, Clans Authoritarian Rulers and Parliaments in Central Asia and Kathleen Collins on ...
S. Frederick Starr, Clans, Authoritarian Rulers, and Parliaments in Central Asia (Washington, D.C.: Central Asia—Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, 2006), 13—14. See also Edward Schatz, Modern Clan Politics: The Power of ...
Spechler, M. C. (2000) 'Regional cooperation in Central Asia: promises and more promises', PRAXIS – The Fletcher Journal ofDevelopment Studies 16: 1–11. Starr, S. F. (2006) Clans, Authoritarian Rulers, and Parliaments in Central Asia, ...
Starr S. F., Clans,Authoritarian Rulers, and Parliaments in Central Asia.Washington, D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS, 2006. 27 pp. Starr F. S. E.,A Greater CentralAsia: ...
Collins, Clan Politics; Schatz, Modern Clan Politics; Frederick Starr, “Clans, Authoritarian Rulers and Parliaments in Central Asia,” Silk Road Paper (Central Asia–Caucasus Institute and Silk Studies Program, Washington, DC, June 2006).
Uzbekistan is undergoing rapid and fundamental reforms affecting all areas of society, from economics and judicial matters to religious life and foreign affairs.
Clans, Authoritarian Rulers, and Parliaments in Central Asia. Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program. Available at: http://isdp.eu/ content/uploads/publications/2006_starr_clans-authoritarian- ...
Starr, F. (2006) Clans, Authoritarian Rulers and Parliaments in Central Asia, Silk Road Paper, Washington, DC: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Studies Program. Stepan, A. and Skach, C. (1993) 'Constitutional frameworks and ...
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