Toward a new institutional model of farmer participation in research on natural resource management and germplasm improvement; Developing a natural resource management technology for a specific agroenvironment: Mucuna-maize rotation on the ...
The rigid adherence to the will of power-wielding regional strongmen, who manipulated the agrarian reform program for their ... Félix Ramos and Ricardo Robles Jr., leaders of the independent Liga de Comunidades Agraristas de Jalisco, ...
Small-farm Systems Research: A New Approach
Synthèse originale, dans le domaine de l'agronomie, des recherches concernant tant l'effet des opérations techniques, sur le couvert végétal que leurs réalisations effectives au sein de l'exploitation agricole.
This review aims to: (1) summarize the impacts and challenges that climate change will have on cotton (focusing on Gossypium hirsutum) production in different regions across the world; (2) compile and summarize climate change impacts on ...
Consumer Behaviour
Troisième point, les pays de l'ex-URSS allaient progresser fortement jusqu'à la fin de la décennie 1980 et reculer ensuite brutalement du fait de la rupture historique induite par la chute du mur de Berlin et la désagrégation du bloc de ...
Improvement of Livestock Production in Crop-animal Systems in Rainfed Agro-ecological Zones of South-East Asia
Costs and Benefits of Social Farming: Report of the Social Farming Across Borders (SoFAB) Project
Institutional Arrangements for Promoting and Enabling Social Farming in Ireland and Northern Ireland: Report of the Social Farming Across Borders...