Self_titled: A Book about Our Legacy

Fashion photography
Our Legacy


OUR LEGACY was established more than ten years ago. In the beginning, the brand would move forward by looking backwards: by exploring vintage garments, modernist architecture and the work of their favorite photographers, the founders strove to find their own personal form of expression. Through this mapping of references and points of view, the brand slowly began to find its shape. 0How are these first garments perceived today, and how do they correlate with current collections more progressive take on menswear? How can the brandþs ?legacy? be understood in a world that is so different from what it was then? In SELF_TITLED - A BOOK ABOUT OUR LEGACY, these topics are investigated through a combination of photography and text. 0Instead of providing a fixed answer, the book should be read as a series of questions, which together have influenced the design and identity of the brand. 0And, more than a retrospective, it is about looking forward, proposing an idea about what lies ahead.

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