This book is devoted to the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development. It contains a collection of analytical studies of various aspects of the right to development, which include the rule of law and good governance, aid, trade, debt, technology transfer, intellectual property, access to medicines and climate change in the context of an enabling environment at the local, regional and international levels. It also explores the issues of poverty, women and indigenous peoples within the theme of social justice and equity. The book considers the strides that have been made over the years in measuring progress in implementing the right to development and possible ways forward to make the right to development a reality for all in an increasingly fragile, interdependent and ever-changing world.
Robert S. Litwak and Samuel F. Wells ( Cambridge : Ballinger , 1988 ) , pp . 67-71 , 74 . 14 Walt , Origins of Alliances , pp . 225-27 , and the studies cited there . 15 Ibid . , pp .
The Council's Independent Task Force on Public Diplomacy was formed to devise fresh and creative responses to a problem that has too often received short shrift by the U.S. government.
From the John Holmes Library collection.
... 250 U.S. human rights policy as seen in , 42 U.S. immigration from , 209 USIS speakers requested in , 60 Mexico City , 287 Mexico Declaration , 250 Meyer , Cord , Jr. , 7 , 22 , 30 , 50 Meyer , Lawrence , 157 Mezvinsky , Edward ...
العولمة نضجت من مجرد كلمة طنانة مثيرة للجدل حول كيف تغير شبكات الاتصال الثقافة والاقتصاد والأمن والبيئة - ومعها التحديات الرئيسية ...
這是一本寫中日古代歷史的閒書。中國和日本的古代交往史,其實就是部「對掐史」。中國自古重陸地輕海洋,而島國日本則長期借勢海洋竊掠,到明清時期更甚。然而,手舞長刀的 ...
Ben shu wei rao guo ji ti xi zhong de ba quan ji zhi yi ji fan kang yun dong er zhan kai,She ji ba quan de guan nian,Da guo xie diao ji zhi,Guo ji zhu yi,Guo ji fa,Dui xin zi you zhu yi de min cui zhu yi fan kang deng yi xi lie zhu ti.
... 的水電工負責諸如此類的事情都能引發歧見當一名通訊聯絡員的助理不知情地搬動紅廳裡罕見的壁爐鐘來架設電視場景一場大衝突便爆發了他不知道這個歷史悠久的古董除了白宮館長和為時鐘上發條的人之外任何人都不可以碰是的白宮還曾經雇用家史考特斯福爾札 ...
[76]关于日本天皇所应承担的战争责任问题,本节主要参考了蒋立峰在《日本的战争责任》序言中的观点。参见[日]若规泰雄《日本的战争责任》,社会科学文献出版社,1999年,第12-14页。[77]齐世荣主编、陈详超、郑寅达、孙仁宗著:《法西斯运动和法西斯专政》, ...
博主平中奇(音)打趣道:“坐在同一张椅子上,两颗心的距离缩短了。”博主莫渡秋(音)对两人自然的笑容印象深刻,说:“这是—张好照片。”美国《华盛顿邮报》网站报道,两人在交谈中借助了翻译,但没有顾问伴随左右,这是对传统的一大突破。中国新华网配发的照片报道 ...