Many disabled persons have benefitted in recent years from the development of new access and process technologies. This book examines how such technologies help these people to enter and to make progress in the job market, and also includes case studies from various countries.
Ottis Media in Young Children : Medical , Developmental , & Educational Considerations , 1946 Our Brother Has Down ... 5923 Pearlman Biomedical Research Institute , 5154 Pearson Education , 1774 , 2975 Pedal - in - Place Exerciser ...
A status report on independent living programs produced by the Independent Living Leadership Strategies Project from a conference held in East Lansing, Michigan in August 1982, funded under the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Grant No. 81 ...
Eimai xechōristē-
This book is intended for educators, students, and practitioners.
Employment for Disabled People
Dennis Dennis is a thirty - eight - year - old steelworker who injured his back carrying steel coils . He was unable to work at all for six months , during which time he was fully covered by his “ any occupation ” disability policy .
1998/99 The Complete Directory for People With Disabilities
Examines the challenges of being in a wheelchair, discussing why some people cannot walk and how those who use a wheelchair function at school, at home, in sports, and going to work.
The Last Civil Rights Movement: Disabled Peoples' International
Text by Albert Tricot