Davis 2014, 'MPs get go-ahead to challenge snooping law', David Davis, accessed at: Davis & Watson judgement 2015 (Case No: CO/3665/2014, CO/3667/2014, ...
The cultural paradox of the global village. Keynote Speech at McLuhan Programme in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto. Fedler, F., Bender, R-J., Davenport, L., & Drager, W. M. (2005). Reporting for the media (8th ed.).
Some critics believe these technologies keep the public involved in an informed discourse on matters of public importance, but it isn't clear this is happening on a large scale.
... Digital Rights Foundation, Pakistan Oktavia Jónsdóttir, Director, S.A.F.E., International Research and Exchanges Board Paul Mooney, Freelance Journalist227 Paula Martins, Coordinator, Article 19 Brazil Peter Nkanga, West Africa ...
... Building Digital Safety for Journalism: A Survey of Selected Issues. The survey, which focuses on digital threats to journalists, pointed out that women are more ... Digital Focus 2015 165 11. GENDER PERSPECTIVE IN SAFETY OF JOURNALISTS.
'Tabloid' was a word said to be coined by London pharmaceutical company Burroughs Wellcome & Co. to describe compressed tablets in the 1880s (Bailey 2010). As in the compressed tablets, tabloid papers were disparagingly seen as ...
From the Introduction: The days of relying on the newspaper delivery boy to deliver information to households are long over.
In the digital age, journalists have to be concerned about privacy and security like never before. This book teaches students of media about this brave new world.
This is the book to help guide students and the rest of us through the revolution.” ALICIA C. SHEPARD, FORMER NPR OMBUDSMAN The third edition of The Ethical Journalist is a comprehensive examination of current issues in the field of ...
Journalism, fake news & disinformation: handbook for journalism education and training
In the face of such challenges, this new volume in the World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development series offers a critical analysis of new trends in media freedom, pluralism, independence and the safety of journalists.