This classification system is intended to offer a conceptual framework for information; the framework is relevant to the long-term consequences of disease, injuries or disorders, and applicable both to personal health care, including early identification and prevention, and to the mitigation of environmental and societal barriers. It begins with an explanation of the development, structure, scope, and use of the classifications. The manual contains three distinct and independent classifications, each relating to a different plane of experience consequent upon disease. The classifications include: (1) impairments (concerned with abnormalities of body structure and appearance and with organ or system function, resulting from any cause); (2) disabilities (reflecting the consequences of impairment in terms of functional performance and activity by the individual); and (3) handicaps (concerned with the disadvantages experienced by the individual as a result of impairments and disabilities). The classification of impairments reviews intellectual impairments; other psychological impairments; language impairments; aural impairments; ocular impairments; visceral impairments; skeletal impairments; disfiguring impairments; and generalized, sensory, and other impairments. The classification of disabilities describes disabilities relating to behavior, communication, personal care, locomotor, body disposition, dexterity, situational disabilities, particular skill disabilities, and other activity restrictions. The classification of handicaps reviews handicaps relating to orientation, physical independence, mobility, occupation, social integration, economic self-sufficiency, and other handicaps. The manual also provides an index to impairments. (CR)
The Conceptual Framework of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH)
The Use of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) in Mental Health
On cover: Handicap & integration
Use and Usefulness of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) for the Education of Children with Impairments...
On cover & title page:Integration of people with disabilities
On cover & title page: Handicap & integration
Technical report drawn up by an ad hoc working group for the Committee of Experts on the Application of the WHO Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps
The Use of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) in Rehabilitation
Use of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) in the Assessment of Vocational Aptitudes of People with...
International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps