The World Health Organization has developed these Nurse Educator Core Competencies to enable educators to effectively contribute to the attainment of high quality education, and the production of effective, efficient and skilled nurses who are able to respond to the health needs of the populations they serve. This will enable the attainment of objectives one and two of the Global strategy on human resources for health: Workforce 2030 and is also a priority in the updated Global strategic directions on nursing and midwifery 2016-2020. The aim of this publication is to provide a clear outline of Nurse Educator Core Competencies and performance expectations, which can form the basis for developing a competence-based curriculum encompassing the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills and behaviors expected of nurse teachers. The competencies are intended to help guide the educational preparation of nurse teachers; ensure educational quality and accountability; and, ultimately, contribute to improving the provision of nursing care and outcomes of health services. Much effort has gone into the preparation of the Nurse Educator Core Competencies. It is the aim of the World Health Organization that they will facilitate nurse educators to attain increased proficiency in assisting student nurses to acquire all the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to practice nursing effectively in the 21st century.
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