Trochus nilot icus is a large marine mollusc exploited for its nacreous shell. This exportable resource is economicaly interesting for the island Countries of the South Pacific. The synoptic study of the document presents the biology (mainly habitat, reproduction and growth). The fecundity and larval development aspects are detailled in order to provide basic data for a possible aquaculture. The study ended with quantitative stocks measurements assessed by different authors and consequently proposes management options for an optimal resource regulation.
Doherty and Sale ( 1986 ) reported rates of survival in a reef slope habitat for similar species to those studied by Sale and Ferrell were approximately 65 per cent for the first 30 days of life with most mortality occurring within five ...
Global Knowledge on the Commercial Sea Cucumber Holothuria Scabra, Volume 91 in the Advances in Marine Biology serial, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters written by an international ...
160. J. F. Caddy and G. D. Sharp , An ecological framework for marine fishery investigations . FAO Fish . Tech . Pap . 000 : 1-151 ( 1987 ) . 161. R. T. Paine , Food webs : Linkage , interaction strength and community infrastructure .
The Fishery Resources of Pacific Island Countries
... Les ressources halieutiques des pays insulaires du Pacifique. Deuxième partie : les holothuries. FAO document technique sur les pêches, 272.2: l'organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, Rome. 143 p. Conand, C ...
FAO fisheries biology technical paper
... ressources aquatiques vivantes et de la pêche. Il s'agit d'appuyer les pays insulaires à augmenter durablement les ressources halieutiques récifales, afin d'améliorer le bien-être des populations côtières en leur offrant une meilleure ...
femme en milieu rural ;femme en milieu urbain ; rôle économique des femmes ; nutrition ; santé publique Mots clés géographiques : Iles du ... France Téléphone : (33) 1 42 34 55 55 Télécopie : (33) 1 43 35 00 55 Courrier électronique ...