This document is the final report of the Intergovernmental Consultation of the establishment of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, which was held in St Denis (Reunion), in February 2001. A draft agreement for the establishment of a regional fisheries body in the Southwest Indian Ocean was reviewed. The major items of discussion were the area of competence, membership, functions and finance of the regional body. Eight members of the former Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean as well as the European Community were present at the meeting.
Options for the Management of Tuna Fisheries in the Indian Ocean
A New Strategic R&D Plan for Queensland Fisheries: A Living Document Approach to Implementation of Priorities
Great Australian Bight Trawl Fishery: Data Summary 1990-2002
Commercial Mussel Grow-out Trial at the Pinnace Channel Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve
... S.; Ruiz Perez, M.; Cunningham, A.; Prabhu, R. 2001. Assessing the performance of natural resource systems. Conservation Ecology 5(2): 22. Cropper, A.; Bradlow, D.; Halle, M. 2000. Regulation, compliance and implementation.
Japanese Whaling: End of an Era?
A history of the fishing industry in Geraldon. This book gives the history of the industry prior to 1939. Written by well respected Geraldton identity. A worthy addition to fishing history in Western Australia. B/W illus.
The Fish Come in Dancing: Stories from the West-Coast Fishery
本书共分7章, 第1章阐述了广东省海洋产业发展优化研究的意义及目的, 并回顾了相关的国内外文献研究情况, 同时对研究方法及数据来源进行了说明 ...
"This publication is a compilation of presentations and recommendations resulting from the Global Conference on Inland Fisheries: Freshwater, Fish and the Future, convened at FAO HQ in January 2015 and is part of an MOU signed with Michigan ...