Introduction;soil;soil texture;soil structure;storage of soil moisture;measuring soil moisture;judging soil moisture conditions in the field;how soils are wetted;influence of a soil profile on the wetting of soil;evaporation and moisture movement;use of water by plants;irrigationexperiments for improving irrigation practice;infiltration rates;method of irrigation;land grading for surface irrigation;irrigation efficiency.
The comprehensive and compact presentation in this book is the perfect format for a resource/textbook for undergraduate students in the areas of Agricultural Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Bio-Science Engineering, Water ...
This book fills the need for an up-to-date comprehensive text on irrigation water management for students of agriculture both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
How does the ground water help in crop production? 19. Define the water table. ... Discuss the relative importance of the various sources of irrigation water. 24. ... Discuss. Chapter 2 Water Wealthand Irrigation in India 2.1 WATER WEALTH.
This valuable book is a must for those struggling to find ways to address the need to maintain efficient crop production in the midst of water shortages.
The content of this book provides the foundation to develop more appropriate irrigation design, and irrigation & water management.
In response, the World Bank, in conjunction with many partner agencies, has compiled a selection of good experiences that can guide practitioners in the design of quality investments in agricultural water.The messages of 'Shaping the Future ...
... water policies under water supply and climate uncertainty. Water Resources Research 40(7). Montginoul, M. (1998) France. In: Dinar, A. and Subramanian, A. (eds) Water Pricing Experiences. An International Perspective. World Bank ...
Humphreys, E. et al., 2008. Improving Rainwater Productivity: Topic 1 synthesis paper. Colombo: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, 19 pp. Ali, M.H., 2010. Crop water requirement and scheduling, in Fundamentals of Irrigation and ...
The book covers the different aspects of sustainability, including environmental, technical, economic, institutional and social ones. Advances in irrigation science and engineering are dealt with, both on- and off-farm.
This report contains a collection of papers from a workshopâ€"Strengthening Science-Based Decision-Making for Sustainable Management of Scarce Water Resources for Agricultural Production, held in Tunisia.