The AQUASTAT Programme was initiated with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and irrigation in the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and providing systematic, up-to-date and reliable information on water for agriculture and rural development. This report presents the results of the most recent survey carried out in the 22 countries of the Southern and Eastern Asia region, and it analyzes the changes that have occurred in the ten years since the first survey. Following the AQUASTAT methodology, the survey relied as much as possible on country-based statistics and information.
Evolution of Irrigation in South and Southeast Asia
Planning and design of irrigation systems; management, operation, and maintenance of irrigation systems;economic analyses of irrigation; organization of irrigation activities and behavior of irrigators.
This report presents the results of a survey of the Near East Region taken in 1995 and 1996. The survey relied mostly on country-based statistics and information contained in sector studies and master plans.
The Gift of Water: Water Management, Cosmology and the State in South East Asia
World Bank Technical Paper No. 256.
Water Reports
Irrigation in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union in Figures
The maps and tables are the first attempt to unify terms and to standardized the data base for Asia's rice-producing areas. The maps present the data i a spatial perspective;...
frequency of irrigation , and efficiencies . At the National Workshop in Scheduling of Irrigation held in India 1983 ( WALMI 1983 ) , this cropand soil - centred view was well represented . For example , in his paper on ' Scheduling of ...
Appendix Randolph Barker, Robert W. Herdt, Beth Rose. No. 71 (Los Baños, Philippines, ... Binswanger, Hans P., Vernon W. Ruttan, et al. Induced Innovation: Technology, Institutions, ... Bouis, Howarth. “Rice Policy in the Philippines” ...