This FAO study provides a global account of the environmental footprint of food wastage (i.e. both food loss and food waste) along the food supply chain, focusing on impacts on climate, water, land and biodiversity. A model has been developed to answer two key questions: what is the magnitude of food wastage impacts on the environment; and what are the main sources of these impacts, in terms of regions, commodities, and phases of the food supply chain involved--with a view to identify "environmental hotspots" related to food wastage.
Approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. The economic costs of this food wastage are substantial and amount to about USD 1 trillion each...
Toolkit - reducing the food wastage footprint
This Toolkit was produced as part of the Food Wastage Footprint project of the Natural Resources Management and Environment Department
• New York Times bestseller • The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world “At this point in time, the Drawdown book is exactly what ...
"One-third or more of the food we produce each year is never eaten. Food Foolish details the sources and consequences of this often unintended but ultimately foolish waste of one of the world's most precious resources.
This book presents a collection of studies on current best practices for delivering sustainable development policies within supply chains.
Written by a team of experts from around the world, this book provides a guide for implementing bioprocessing techniques. It also helps researchers develop new options for the recuperation of these wastes for community benefit.
This contributes to climate change. How can we help the planet? Simple actions we can take every day can make a big difference! Learn how ditching food waste can minimize our carbon footprint and save the world.
"Food Waste Footprint"--Page preceding title page.
... Testing the hypothesis using store-level scanner data, fresh produce sold through retailers is horizontally and ... Rob Vos, director of the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division at the International Food Policy Research ...