Draft Treaty Establishing A Constitution For Europe As Approved By The Intergovernmental Conference On 18 June 2004: Treaties
An Ever Closer Union: A Critical Analysis of the Draft Treaty Establishing the European Union
The Treaty of Lisbon was rejected in Ireland in 2008. The term paper is basically a discussion on the role of the European societies in the EU deepening process by considering the reasons of ‘no’ votes.
Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe: As Approved by the Intergovernmental Conference on 18 June 2004 (Draft)
This remarkable book offers a first in-depth analysis of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.
The provisional text was put before the House [as Cm 6289] on 19 July. The final texts in all the EUs 21 official languages are being prepared for the signature of the Treaty in Rome on 29 October.
The future institutional balance of the European Union was an important focus of the debate in the European Convention and is an important innovation of the future Treaty establishing a...
More specifically, the book deals with, inter alia, the European and national legislative process, the preliminary rulings procedure as a tool and a source for the application of European law and the various connecting links between the EU ...
She submits that the boldest of the novel features of the new Constitution, and the weight of signifiance of the changes which it has introduced, lie in the external domain.
Essay from the year 2014 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 2,0, University of Kent (Department of International Relations), language: English, abstract: This essay intends to answer the ...