In the past decade, a series of EU countries have witnessed absorption booms and growing current account deficits as a result of falling risk premia and rapid financial integration. At the same time, fiscal policy in those same countries has not been leaning against the wind effectively so as to contain boom-bust dynamics. This paper addresses the question whether buoyant temporary revenues during absorption booms contributed to excessive complacency by policy-makers and an insufficiently counter-cyclical response of fiscal policy. The paper shows that standard approaches for adjusting budget balances for the cycle could miss part of the temporary revenues accruing during absorption booms and that, in some instances, this could have mattered substantially for a proper assessment of structural fiscal positions. The paper also shows by means of DSGE model simulations that targeting a proper indicator of the underlying (structural) fiscal balance could have contributed substantially to the containment of macroeconomic imbalances and to avoiding boom-bust dynamics. The findings have implications for the conduct of discretionary fiscal policy and the design of fiscal rules and multi-annual fiscal frameworks."--Publication information page.
Kruskal-Wallis. and. Friedman. So far, we have focused on drilling down into data following one-way ANOVA. Of course, if one of the rank-based alternatives were used, it is still possible to carry out post hoc analysis, although these ...
From CAB to CAAB? Correcting Indicators of Structural Fiscal Positions for Current Account Imbalances. European Economy Economic Papers, No. 442. Liu, 382 Agustín S. Bénétrix and Philip R. Lane.
Vulnerability of existing and planned coal-fired power plants in developing Asia to changes in climate and water ... In X. Yu, D. He and P. Phousavanh (eds), Balancing River Health and Hydropower Requirements in the Lancang River Basin.
From CAB to CAAB? Correcting Indicators of Structural Fiscal Positions for Current Account Imbalances. Economic Papers, No. 442, April. Medeiros, J. (2012). Stochastic Debt Simulation Using VAR Models and a Panel Fiscal Reaction ...
Lendvai, J., Moulin, L. and Turrini, A. (2011), From CAB to CAAB? Correcting Indicators of Structural Fiscal Positions for Current Account Imbalances. European Commission Economic Paper, 442. Lin, J.Y. and Treichel, V. (2012), ...
Crazy Cab Stories Volume 2: An Anthology of Stories from Young Authors
The augmented state-space equation is Au(k) Based on (1.12), the F and matrices take the following forms: F = CA CA2 CA3 CAA CA5 CA6 CA7 CAS CA9 CA10 ;# = CB 0 CAB CB CA2B CAB CA3B CA2B CAAB CA3B CA5B CA4B CA6B CA5B CA7B CA6B CA8B ...
The book is an introduction to quantum field theory applied to condensed matter physics.
Crazy Cab Stories Volume 3
O(M7 ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ CAa CAb CAaa CAab CAba CAbb x x 2 3 x4 110 Q(M7 )= 010 001 0101010 0001010 x 1 100 )= 0101000 1101010 Row x4 =x 1 +x 2. This determines the construction of Q as shown above.