Joint United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme , Washington , D.C. Foley ... and Child Growth in Low - Income Rural Areas . ... Box for World Development Report 2000/2001 .
this us a history lesson and a guide on how to build commercial finance that fits the needs of the world's poorest majority.
Throughout the book Katz shows how interpretations of the past, grounded in analytic history, can free us of comforting myths and help us to reframe discussions of these great public issues.
Bace , Mary Jo and David T. Ellwood . 1988. “ Slipping into and out of Poverty : The Dynamics of Spells . " National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper # 1199 . Cambridge , MA . Beeghley , Leonard . 1984.
The volume explores how the spaces of the city actively produce and reproduce urban poverty.
. The book includes case studies of innovative government organizations (in Thailand, Mexico, Philippines and Nicaragua) and community-driven processes (in India, South Africa, Pakistan and Brazil), which illustrate more effective ...
Understanding Urban Poverty; What the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers Tell Us
World Bank pub. Report on agricultural extension and rural area nonformal education programmes for the advancement of rural development in developing countries - suggests methodologycal guidelines for planning and implementating...
According to Porter, “economic distress of America's inner cities” is due to “lack of businesses and jobs,” which effects “not only a crushing cycle of poverty but also crippling social problems such as drug abuse and crime.
An assessment of the Indian Governments' Basic Services for the Urban Poor programme', Environment and Urbanization 25:1. ... Pearson, Ruth (2004) 'Organizing home-based workers in the global economy: an actionresearch approach', ...