This Guidebook will be of invaluable assistance to government environment officers & customs officials in deciding how to design their own systems to monitor & control the import of ozone depleting substances (ODSs). It describes the monitoring systems in such countries as Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines & Sweden among others. Discussion is also focused on monitoring based on customs statistics, import permits systems & their role in monitoring imports; customs role in ensuring compliance with import restrictions; structure of the Harmonized System & efforts to adjust it to the needs of the Montreal Protocol & problems related to mixed chemicals.
The need to design, implement & enforce effective regulatory, legislative & policy frameworks to support the phase-out of ozone depleting substances (ODSs) is an urgent concern of many countries. This...
The introduction of import/export licensing systems for ozone-depleting substances (ODS) is now mandatory for all parties to the Montreal Protocol.
Training Manual for Customs Officers - Saving the Ozone Layer: Phasing out Ozone Depleting Substances in Developing Countries
This handbook is a guide for decision makers in developing countries to design effective policies to enable them to meet their obligations under the Montreal Protocol.
Establish a reliable system to control and monitor import and export of ODS An important first step is to establish ... "Monitoring Imports of Ozone Depleting Substances" gives more details on how countries belonging to the ODS Officers ...
Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
To express appreciation to the Multilateral Fund , UNEP and the Stockholm Environmental Institute for the useful information on the problems and possibilities of using customs codes for tracking imports of ozone - depleting substances ...
(f) To cooperate with the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme to enhance training and baseline monitoring of ozone, UV-B radiation and related research in developing countries; ...
... of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozonedepleting substances (ODS) controlled by the Protocol. The Customs Department is responsible for monitoring imports, ensuring that they are covered by the appropriate import licence.
Carl Bruch, Elizabeth Mrema, United Nations Environment Programme. Nicholas A. Robinson , Comparative Environmental Law & Regulation ( Oceana Publications 1996 , with periodic updates ) . Rosemary Sandford , “ International ...