This handbook contains the full texts of the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol, including amendments and decisions adopted by the Parties upto the end of the year 2002, as well as information on the rule of procedure for meetings, the evolution of the Montreal Protocol, and on sources of further information.
Written by the Senior Legal Counsel of the Ozone Secretariat, this book critically examines the implementation of the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
The first edition of Professor Yoshida’s monograph, The International Legal Régime for the Protection of the Stratosphere Ozone Layer, provided a renowned and comprehensive contemporary study of the international ozone régime.
To express appreciation to the Multilateral Fund , UNEP and the Stockholm Environmental Institute for the useful information on the problems and possibilities of using customs codes for tracking imports of ozone - depleting substances ...
This volume provides the authoritative and comprehensive history of the whole process from the earliest warning signs to the present.
This handbook is a guide for decision makers in developing countries to design effective policies to enable them to meet their obligations under the Montreal Protocol.
The technology section in particular should appeal to industries affected by ozone layer protection as well as those affected by climate protection, since this is the first ozone publication featuring insights by the companies that ...
The second edition of this leading reference work provides a comprehensive discussion of the dynamic and important field of international law concerned with environmental protection.
Being a grandmother is one of life's most important rolesand many women can feel unprepared to take it on.
Hailed in the Foreign Service Journal as a landmark book that should command the attention of every serious student of American diplomacy, international environmental issues, or the art of negotiation, and cited in Nature for its worthwhile ...
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